Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Tell me again, why do I live here?

Yesterday, I finally saw the sun on my kitchen wall. Before you get too worked up, let me explain. The sun has been coming up, yes, everyday. But due to the placement of a mountain or two, actual rays of sun have not hit my house for several months. But now the days are getting longer!!! And the sun is rising higher above the horizon!! Today, sunrise was 9:58 am, and sunset will be 4:19 pm. Very exciting! Spring is coming!! Girl Terror and I danced around the house, checking all the rooms for rays of sunlight filled with dust. Spring! Spring!! I have survived the winter!!
Today, it is currently -44 C outside. That's -47 F. A bit chilly. Not at all spring. Not even a tiny bit springy.


Salsguy said...

Wheeeee! Better get out the sun lotion. I hear there's lots of summer sun up around the arctic circle. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Noting the temp outside at my house is a steamy 50 degrees I decide to shut my mouth for the rest of winter because I apaprently do not know what cold is.

Anonymous said...

Oops- anonymous was me, sorry.
