Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Happiest Day

Great news....I am healthy as a horse. The doctor says he's not sure what the little scales/lesions are, but he's positive they aren't cancer. NOT cancer. None here, move on. I feel pretty good. On the up side of having surgery, my uterus is now so damn clean it squeaks. Thank you so much for all your notes of encouragement and your positive thoughts and prayers.

In other good news, Girl Terror has decided she is indeed a big girl. This morning she announced that she had to go potty. She walked up the stairs, pulled off her diaper, and sat. She even managed to produce a few drops! We are on the road to a diaper free life!!!! She wants to wear panties so badly.
Last night, Hubby bent over to clean Boy Terror's supper off the floor. His pants slid, and the top band of his underwear were showing. Girl Terror reached out and patted his butt, and and said "Nice panties, Daddy!"


Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

I'm glad your uterus is now clean and disease-free!

Seriously, that's great.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you!!
Worrying is horrible.
So happy you can put your mind at ease... or at least move on to finding all the washrooms in town!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Having them potty trained is like reaching nirvana :-)

Just dropped by from tj's blog

Sleeping Mommy said...

Yeah!!!! I'm so glad you got good news on your health.

And another YEAH! for girl terror and hitting the road to that diaper free existence where big girls where panties and mommy only has to be concerned over whether or not she wiped thoroughly. :)

Anonymous said...

The kids know how to get the best of my husband. When they fold laundry they will ask him how he wants his 'panties' folded. "They are NOT panties. They are boxers." LMAO

Anonymous said...

ohhhh gooooood-oh. Glad to read you are okay and 'squeaky-clean' *chuckle chuckle*

Twisted Cinderella said...

My Little Princess just recently accomplished Day Time Potty Training. What a great relief! We are working on night time training now. But she pees so much at night it is a bit of a challenge.

Good for her!!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Boy howdy, your cup runneth over.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha to Daddy's panties. My daughter used to call DHs undies 'panties' as well. Now we have settled on the equally funfilled description of 'manties'. Panties for a man, you know....

Congrats on the squeaky uterus!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your hyster is healthy. My sister kind of had something like going on with hers too. Thankfully everything is fine. YEAH!

JustLinda said...

Nuttin' better than a squeaky clean uterus. Glad to hear it's so clean we could practically eat off it (but, um, NO... gross!!).

And it's good to teach little girls how to turn the tables around and patronize the males, right? I mean, if Boy Terror would have done that same thing you'd probably kick his ass but Girl Terror gets POINTS for it, right??? heheheh