Sunday, October 23, 2005

A new low.

I just received an e-mail/spam that is a new low for me. I've taken out the link, but you get the idea.
Message from "Circlejerker" (I bet that's not his real name):

"Was just out blog browsing and came upon your site.

Noticed you have some pretty similar content, so thought I would share my site with you. My site is about asian anal sex and you will not find a better site on the net about it. So check it out."

Really? Similar content? I have mentioned butts, poop, and sex, so I guess, maybe, you could find some related content. But seriously, I don't think I've said anything about asians on here.


Anonymous said...

Au contraire...I think you've talked about Chinese food once or twice.

Twisted Cinderella said...

LOL, yeah, I could be wrong, but I don't think that person would actually find a whole lot in common with your blog!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

And now you've gone and used the word "asian." Too bad for you.

JustLinda said...

I know, I feel practically VIRGINAL with some of the google hits that bring people to my blog. I think I might start ONLY talking about puppies or something. Oh, noooo, that won't work either. Ewww, I'm making myself sick. Blech.

Maria's Space said...

How crazy. Give me a break. Don't these people have anything better to do?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing the a+holes that are out there.