Thursday, December 22, 2005

I couldn't wait for Girl Terror to start talking. Now, most days I would give her my last piece of chocolate if I thought it would silence her for a minute. Still, I can't help but think I will miss her little conversations, filled with her own language. For some reason, almost all words start with "T". So, "cookie" is "tookie", "Coke" is "Toke" and my personal favorite, "kitty" is "titty". She sure does love her Titty. She pronounces "th" as just "h", which means she hinks she needs somehing. For breakfast she eats yo-yurt. For the longest time, she called videos "yo-ee-yo"s. This morning, she told Hubby that although the song goes "We're all together again, hurrah hurrah", she is going to say furrah, furrah because she is still little, you know. When she gets to be big, then she'll change the words.
She can do that, you know. Just up and change the words, the rules, the entire world if she so pleases. Just because she's little.

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