Tuesday, December 27, 2005

No pee breaks here!

Remember when I couldn't wait for Girl Terror to finally use the potty? Seems like ages ago, now. Well, she's really good at it. She sits on the big toilet, she doesn't even need to use the step stool, and she never has accidents. Now, I'm worried that she might be too good at it! This child has the water holding capabilities of a camel! She drinks milk quite often with her bedtime snack, and she has a sippy cup of water in bed, to sip at all night. She goes pee at 8 pm before going to bed, and then she seems to just....hold it. Forever. When she gets up in the morning, at 7, she doesn't have to go. She will, to make me shut up, but left on her own, she'll wait until 9:30 or 10 am. That's 14 hours!!! In that amount of time, I've gone pee at least 6 times!! I haven't made it through the night without at least one trip to the bathroom since, well....I honestly can't remember when! Is she normal? Are all little kids really just a huge bladder with legs? How can I, the woman who pees at each and every rest stop on a trip, be the mother of her, the child who can hold it for 14 hours?!! Seriously, is this normal? Does your kid do this?!


Anonymous said...

My daughter who is now 24, did the exact same thing. Then at around 7 years old she became plagued with chronic bladder and kidney infections, doctors said due to her holding urine.

It got so severe she was hospitalized in debilitating pain 3 years ago and now has to use a condom to have sex with her own husband. She's also on medication every day for the rest of her life!

Make her go potty!

SouthernMom said...

My son is the same way. In fact, I am that way, too. I joke that I have a bladder of steel. Even now, 32 weeks pregnant, I don't wake up in the middle of the night to pee. I just don't have to go that much. I guess he got his "bladder power" from me.

Anonymous said...

I am the queen of pee. Last Friday I woke up and got right to the business of getting the house ready for guests. At about noon I realized I had never gone to the bathroom when I woke up. Who does that?? During a school day...five times before ten am!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Don't look a gift bladder in the mouth.