I thought I would have more time to blog with Hubby gone away. HA! The computer sits, alone and quiet, while the Terrors and I run around like loons.
We have been looking at houses. Duplexes, actually, since a whole house is out of the budget. So far, I've seen one where the landlady seemed to speak no English, and she really didn't want me to look to closely at anything. She kept one hand firmly pressed against my back as she propelled me through the place. The second place looked better....until the woman explained that the utility room door must stay open. The baseboard heater in that room isn't connected, because she's afraid of the styrofoam catching on fire. And there is a hole in the back of a closet that cannot be blocked, or heat will not circulate and pipes will freeze. And it's electric heat only, which costs either $165/month or $400/month, depending on which point of the conversation you listen to. Today I looked at a third place. The ad said "No pets" but I counted seven cats. I did not see a litter box. The ad also said "well maintained" which apparently means "the carpet is still on the floor, and the walls are still standing despite the holes." Sadly, this is our best option so far. Seriously.
Hubby called from the other end of the country. He chipped his front tooth in the swimming pool and needs a dentist appointment. Other than the massive headache (from smashing his face into the side of the pool, under water), and the chipped tooth, he is doing fine. Only 4 more days.
I saw the doctor for my final checkup. I'm fine, the lack of uterus is not bothering me, and life is good. Turns out it was the right choice. He says I had fibroids on my uterus, and endometriosis. I should have been in pain. Who knew.
I hope the 'perfect place' appears. How disappointing for you; not to find a good place when you're so excited to move.
Good luck!
Well, heck, there goes my plan. I was going to have you offer your uterus in exchange for a decent house. But, no, that won't work. I'll keep thinking....
Well, heck, there goes my plan. I was going to have you offer your uterus in exchange for a decent house. But, no, that won't work. I'll keep thinking....
It will turn up, the right place. If you find a place and it's not perfect but you have to get in it immediately, see if you can negotiate a short lease, because a better place will always turn up weeks after you move into a different one.
I've done almost all of our househunting with SD elsewhere, and kids in tow. I turn them loose and tell them to look for holes and rat poo, and I look for bigger things. Realtors never quite know what to make of it.
House hunting really stinks - but I like Rootie's idea of sending kids in all directions to throw off the realtor. You'll find something soon, I hope.
When we were house hunting we ended up at this beautiful colonial. We walked in and it was trashed. It was as though they got the call we were coming and picked up and left. Laundry all over the place - dishes in the sink that had clearly been there for days, holes in the wall and the coup de grat was the dog feces on the floor in the basement next to an unmade mattress. Hoh kay! Looked to be a divorce situation. Needless to say, we found this house and bought it.
Moving is so stressful...good luck!
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