I just saw SpongeBob for the first time ever. I mean, I've seen his square shape all over the place, but today I saw the show for the first time. I'd tell you what it was about, but I don't have a clue what any of the characters said. Things moved very quickly, people (sponges, sea creatures, etc) shouted a lot very fast, and eyes bugged out of heads all over the ocean floor. I DO know that somehow a restaurant under the sea got flooded....I asked my 7 year old guide about this, and he sighed and pointed out that it's not real, duh.
This is going to make me sound so very old and dull, but if SBSP is an example of the crap on TV for kids nowadays, I'm afraid of the future. Do you want to elect a leader for your country who grew up feeding his brain this stuff?!
Maybe you would be in a better position to judge if you could actually hear. Sponge Bob really dosn't MOVE that quickly. And I doubt the word count per minute is beyond the average listener. You must be hearing challenged, or maybe just stupid. I would rather have a child of the sponge bob listening audience be president than say, a Steven King addict. It is harmless, cute humor, and very non threatening. Maybe you are just a very unhappy person who doesn't like much of anything. Ya think........my kids love sponge bob, so do I, and I hear that about 80 percent of the US does.
Well, that was random and rude! Excuse you for having an opinion that differs from anonymous up there. Apparently, it's not allowed...
I think that last line explains it: Anon's kids love it, anon loves it, too. Therefore, it must be quality. Shame on you, Average Mom, for thinking differently.
But as for 80% of the US favouring something? Yeah, right, that's the standard for the rest of the world to aspire to! For sure. I hear that close to that percentage of Americans are fat. Start chompin' them Ho-ho, Av. Mom - yer ass ain't wide enough yet... (Oh, and have you got yer gun yet? Canadian accidental death by firearms lags way behind the US, too...)
Sponge Bob is exactly what people who like it deserve. It's...tripe. Even my 7 year old thinks so ("Mom, can we get out the Loony Tunes dvds?, this stuff is stupid.")Now that's good cartoons- 1940's pre-political correctness with no kicks in the crotch and plenty of intelligent sight gags (alum, anyone?). I think anonymous did a great job of showing his position. As for 80% of the US liking it, I can't dispute that, but I can comfortably say that the other 20% is on the righthand side of the bell curve.
Anon: I have no problem with people disagreeing with me. It generally proves my point...trash goes in, trash comes out.
Laura: You crack me up! I've been thinking of a post re: good to be Canadian, but I haven't felt bitchy enough to post it lately!
Rootie: I am pleased to say my kids wouldn't sit and watch the show. (We were at a friend's house.) They were too busy playing! I'm glad they don't fit into the 80% catagory.
I don't care if someone else likes it. Go ahead. That's the best part...you don't have to agree with me!
Not to worry. Somewhere there are children paying attention to math, chemistry, muslims, etc. We'll be okay.
It was a real "moment" when all three of my children broke into the theme song and my husband and I had no clue at all what this cultural thing was.
It is very very innocent and something my children appreciated when so much out there is not quality.
They also like to listen to tapes/CDs of Hank The Cowdog. That's a little Texas Culture for ya.
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