Saturday, April 14, 2007

Not enough time. Or sleep. Or wine.

I think I'm usually pretty good at multi-tasking, but this past week or so has stretched my ability to the snapping point. Now I know. Sometimes you just have to do only one thing at a time. For example, buying a house. Report cards. Preparing to go on a trip. Those things are not so good for the stress levels. Put them all together, and it's a recipe for an ulcer!
It's finally the weekend. The house buying stuff is under control. (Yippee!!) The report cards are signed, sealed, delivered. And once the laundry is done, and the suitcase is closed, I will be ready to go. We leave tomorrow, and I need to be at the airport by 5:30. In the AM. I'll tell you all about it when I get back! See ya!

PS I just realized. I didn't tell you where I'm going, did I? I'm headed off to Victoria with the school band. Yes, I am going on a band trip. It's going to be great! Victoria has sun (sometimes) and flowers, and trees, and grass....all the stuff the Yukon is lacking. And the best part is, my MOM is in Victoria!! When I told her I was coming down, she asked if I was bringing the kids. I think she meant my Terrors. Well, I'm bringing kids! 40 of them!


Dreama said...

enjoy the trek to and green grass would be wonderful about now. Snow seems to hide all manner of this place looks like a dump, there is so much garbage around. Many are cleaning up, lugging big loads to the dump, or piling it at the end of the driveway...but many are not...

Anonymous said...

Oh, have a great trip! I hope you get to see lots of your mother - and that she loves the 40 Big Terrors you've brought with you.

But sleep? You won't be getting much of that. Teenagers are WAY worse than 2 and 4-year-olds for disturbing your sleep...


OldHorsetailSnake said...

Things are really looking up for you. But for Mom: Not so much, having 40 guests for dinner.