Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Great minds....

I spent yesterday afternoon visiting a friend who has two kids, just like me. But she did it the other way around - a boy first and then a girl. It works out great, because we can pass down clothes!
Wendy and I think alike. Our parenting styles are very similar, and this makes it really easy to get along. It's always nice to see another mom refuse to give her child pop, to insist on polite manners, and to solve sibling fights with words that don't start with "f" and end with "uck". This does not, of course, make perfect children. While I was there, her little boy, who is usually very well behaved, decided to get his mother's attention by spitting on his sister. Right on the top of her little blonde head. When he was sent to his room, he had a lot to say. It sounded very familiar to me! I'm pretty sure he and Girl Terror must have the same speech writer! When he came back, they talked about what he did wrong, and he said sorry to his sister. And all was well.
When this little boy grows up, he will have the skills to solve disagreements. He will know how to walk away, think about the problem, and return with a sincere apology. (Hopefully, he will outgrow the "spit on your opponent" stage, and learn positive ways to get attention.) I hope when he gives his thank you speech at the Oscars/election results/award ceremony, he remembers to thank his mother.


carmilevy said...

This entry should be required reading for all prospective parents. If only people focused on the simple lessons of parenthood and childhood, more kids would be growing up with these critical skills. Nicely said.

J&J's Mom said...

I'll put in a good word for him to be the graduation speaker ;0) Nice name,Wendy. They make good people..I should know ;0) LOL!

Anonymous said...

Ahh tammie thanks for the laugh and the nod, parenting is the toughest and most rewarding job and I love every spitting, yelling, hugging, loving moment! Nice to hear someone else thinks I am doing a good job!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Of course she's good. I know two other Wendys and they're first-rate. I always thought it was genes, but you must just get smart if you get the right name.

Ella said...

My best mommy friend has the same parenting style and that's why she is my best friend. Since we share the same parenting attitudes we can disagree about much more important things like whether Jude Law or Clive Owen is more sexy.