Friday, October 14, 2005

It could be worse.

Some husbands fish. Others are into sports. My husband? He makes chain-mail armor. It's like knitting, but all metal and manly and stuff. Also, knitting can create actual useful items. Chain-mail? Not so useful.


Northern_Girl said...

All hail the "Once and Future King!"!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well, I don't know about that. He might not be safe from arrows, but certainly from maces. There are a lot of people carrying maces around these days.

(He's really cute.)

Anonymous said...

Well, that kind of takes you by surprise!
Have never seen that before, except maybe a history book.
And what does he do with this? Is there a big market for his craft???

Or perhaps all Barons and Baronesses have to wear these to dinner???

Twisted Cinderella said...

Prince Charming is a memeber of the SCA and he has his own set of armour! Parts of it he even made himself. He would love to know about your dh!

Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

My son buys that stuff, and most of my daughter's friends own some for their Renaissance Fairs.

Cool. Tell your husband his hobby is really, really cool.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, does he make the chain maille just for himself, or does he make it for others as well? Because the item he is wearing in that pic (called a coiffe, for those that are interested) would sell for about $250 I think. Suddenly "not so useful" becomes very useful indeed.

BTW, does he go on a forum called the Armor Archive? He looks familiar to me.

Anonymous said...

Prince Charming: This was my first attempt at a piece of chainmail. I made it for myself. This coiffe is made of 3497 rings of 14 ga. galvanized steel (with some brass trim). The inside diameter of each ring is 3/8". This project took me approximately 12 to 15 hours. Tomorrow I begin on the hauberk! I'd love to join a re-enactment society such as the SCA but there just isn't the population base up here to support such an organization.

carmilevy said...

The picture brings to mind thoughts of Monty Python and the "It's just a flesh wound" quote. Ah, happy memories.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

I have the honor of mentioning you in my piece tomorrow (Monday).

Anonymous said...

I could use him when I teach Medieval literature later this year!

Maria's Space said...

So cool! I used to know a guy in college who did this and was in total awe of the talent and precision it takes to create these pieces.

Prego said...

He looks ready to open a can of whoop-ass on Grendel and his momma.

Nature Girl said...

Does it work? Stacie

Jenny said...


Elizabeth said...

That picture makes me laugh every time.

Greg said...

Not useful?? It can keep a dager or arrow from piercing your skull. Tell me that's not usefull?
