I finally bought one of those "Magic Erasers" to clean spots off the walls with. I have no idea how it works, since to me it simply looks like an overpriced sponge, but I was tired of seeing marks on the walls, and I am a shameless cleaning product whore, so I bought one.
Well. What an amazing invention! I noticed some smudges this morning from a baby gate being shoved against the wall. Presto! Marks gone! But then, while I was in the area, I saw scuff marks along the baseboards. So I wiped those off. When I got back to my feet, I realized there were hand prints all over the corner of the wall. No problem. Wipe, wipe, gone. I was all happy and content until I looked over my shoulder at the wall as I walked away. Hmmm. Very very clean. In spots. The clean spots made the rest of the wall look dingy. So I used my Magic Eraser on the rest of the wall.
A smart woman would have stopped there, and eaten breakfast. But not me! I had to lean over Hubby (who was sitting on the couch, reading, as if Spring Break is some kind of holiday or something) to demonstrate the power of the Eraser to him. See?! No more crud line just over the couch! But....now the rest of the living room walls look dirty. That one clean streak is taunting me, shining and sparkly, surrounded by dull, winter-dusty wall.
I realize I cannot possibly Magic Eraser the entire house. I would like to, and I believe it's do-able, but I'm not quite that insane. There is only one solution. I will have to get out my knock-off Swiffer mop, stock up on mop pads, and mop the walls throughout the entire house. Of course, then the ceilings are going to look neglected...
Are you beginning to like those scuff marks?
I agree with Mary P. Paint.
Those Magic Erasers, they are seductive, aren't they? I began with one last week, intending merely to clear up a little ring-around the tub, and ended up cleaning (actually re-cleaning) half the bathroom with the darn thing.
Oh, I've been using them forever! Isn't it awesome!
Last time I "scrubbed walls," (kitchen & bathrooms), I ended up PAINTING THEM.
Helpful hint - if you ever decide to paint your walls instead of scrubbing them, I highly recommend using semi-gloss paint. Every wall in my house is semi-gloss & I love it. It makes scrubbing them SO MUCH EASIER.
Paint. Paint. Paint. And with kiddies in the house, never go witha flat finish. Satin will do it and you can scrub to your little hearts content.
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