Sunday, October 22, 2006

The fog rolls in.

The grey fog is back. I don't know why. I don't have any idea what caused the return, but it's here. I fought with it on Friday night, after missing a dose of my medicine, and foolishly doubling up the next dose to catch up. I tried to out-run it all day Saturday, hoping that by this morning I would feel.... just feel. This morning it was still here, waiting to pounce on me as soon as I got out of bed.
No matter what I did today, I couldn't shake the mood. I am so lucky that Hubby does his best to understand and help. He knows there really is nothing he can do but wait out the storm, and so he does, patiently and quietly.
I've gone out of the house. I've sat quietly. I hugged my son, I took my daughter to school with me for an hour. I'm currently drinking an iced cappuccino and avoiding all human contact. Nothing is helping, so I am counting the hours, the minutes, the breaths until I can go under my blankets and shut out the world. Tomorrow is another day, please let it be a clear one.


Anonymous said...

fog? What kind of fog are you dealing with? I'm curious now, as I also deal with a fog of my own, Fibromyalgia mind sucks.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Whatever is bugging you is bugging the wrong person. You are too good to be down. Give it the old "So it goes" treatment, smile and be happy....

Rootietoot said...

Roll with it. Tomorrow is, indeed, another day. If you've dealt with it before then you know it's not forever. If you feel like crying and you don't want anyone to know, chop an onion and blame it on that. It doesn't really fool anyone but I know I feel better when I do it that way.

Anonymous said...

I know the power of the fog. It has such immense power. Reaching out is the best thing you can do. I bet you will find a hundred hands waiting to hold yours.
Best of luck and solid prayers are with you.