We were sitting at the table, finishing supper. As is the usual these days, we were talking about life in the New House, and how exciting it will be.
Girl Terror told me she was going to live in our new house forever and ever! She loves the new house, and will spend the rest of her life there! I said that sounded wonderful, but what about those four babies she is planning to have? She said they could live there too! Babies can sleep on the couch, since they just stay wherever the mummy puts them, and the couch is big! So lots of room for babies. I thought that perhaps once the babies got big enough to, you know, move around, they might want a room with a bed, perhaps. She chewed her salad for minute, thinking it over. The solution she came up with was the babies could move out, into their own house. Somewhere close by, preferably.
Hmmm. So, my daughter has a plan to get knocked up, have four kids, and live at home until the kids are ready to move out. Of my house. The entire husband/daddy issue is not even addressed....
I smiled, and told her that when little girls grow up and have babies, they need to get their own house, for themselves and their offspring. She said no, just the babies would move. She will be staying with me, forever. As much as I like this idea, I sense that I should nip it in the bud. I have no plans for keeping house for grown children and their various boyfriends, girlfriends, and spouses. So I tell her that when she has babies, and the babies move out, she needs to go with them. She will be the mummy, and as such she must have her own home. Not in my basement. Next door, perhaps, but still in a separate dwelling.
She burst into tears. Great, wailing sobs. Sadness covered her entire little being. Through the hiccups, she told me she doesn't want to EVER leave me, because I will be lonely, and she LOVES me, and would be too sad to live away from me. Please, please don't make her go!!!
I have no idea how to fix this. Really. I've always joked that she would live with me forever, but I figured that eventually she would get tired of me and move out. Apparently, I was wrong. We are together forever, and no amount of baby making will ever come between us.
How about "Sweetie, you can live with me as long as you want to." You know that will automatically put a limit to it (probably around age 13 or 14. . . ), but she can think for now that it'll be forever.
Hi AM--very funny. You're stuck. Now the question is: where do you live? Maybe the basement? Hmmm ...
Bawhahaha....can Jordanna move in with you to with her babies..I'll come visit often. your little chicklet is so cute!
Oh oh. This is going to come back to haunt you
The clerk at my school tells me her daughter wants to move home with her husband and newborn so she can go to law school.
I was kind of thinking if that happens to me how I'd encourage racking up the student loans.
Good luck 'grandma'
B: Actually, she has mentioned marrying Jordanna! As in "Too bad Jordanna is a girl, because I sure do love her! I could marry her!!"
My first thought was that this child cannot possibly be related to me!! I couldn't wait to move out on my own ....daughter Meghan started planning her escape at around age 10 and was starting to pack by age 12 - made it official within a week of her 18th birthday!! Perhaps I was much harder to live with than you are!!
Of course , she is only 5 ....trust me Mommy - things WILL change.
Ha! Very cute, Mom.
well, she clearly isn't ready to think about not living with you...I mean, she is just a little girl! I would say indulge her for now...by the time she hits 15, she won't be crying to live with you anymore...she'll be telling you that you don't understand, she can't wait to get her own apartment, and that she wished she lived with someone else's family...lol...
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