Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

I hate Halloween. I despise everything about it. I don't like horror movies. Anything at all to do with demons or the supernatural makes me uncomfortable. I have issues with teaching our kids to disguise themselves to go ask strangers for candy. I never got to go trick-or-treating as a child, and I understood why my parents didn't celebrate Halloween. So, why did I spend part of this weekend sewing (by hand) a princess skirt for Girl Terror? Kids change everything. Suddenly, I see the fun in dressing up. I understand the thrill of getting treats. I realize how sad she would feel to be left out tonight. So after dark, I will brave the goblins, and I will walk around the neighborhood with a little purple princess. It will make her happy, and most days, that's all I want.

1 comment:

OldHorsetailSnake said...

The only night of the year it is safe to ignore Momma because Momma knows that's what she's supposed to be.