Saturday, February 03, 2007

I'd like my hooker shoes to be red, please. I'll paint my nails to match.

I really, really want to talk about my job. But since I actually like my job, and want to keep it, I'll stay quiet and just mutter under my breath alot. Instead I'll talk about my current pissy mood at WalMart!
Did you know you can get hooker shoes at WalMart? Yes! In a variety of colours, too. This probably wouldn't have caught my attention, except I was shopping with my four year old, who thought they were the most beautiful shoes EVER.
At our WalMart, the hiring practices are fair to the point of being rediculous. If you are breathing, you get a job. The other day I set off the security alarm (no, I did not steal anything. The cashier forgot to scan my purchases!) and the door greeter/security dude actually chased me as I left, as fast as his wheelchair could go. He had that joystick pushed to the limit, I tell you.
The aisles are currently stacked full of Valentine stuff in boxes. Anyone with a cart is out of luck, because only skinny people with no kids hanging off a cart can make through the cramped spaces. I think the idea is the customer will get so pissed off they will buy the stuff, just to get it out of the way.
I think that's all for now. I got new fingernails today, and quite frankly it hurts to type. I'm a wimp, I know, but I'm a wimp with really pretty new nails!


Rootietoot said...

I could go on for hours about Walmart. Sometimes I do.

Anonymous said... fas as his wheelchair could go. You're lucky he didn't roll over your feet - he could'a broken a bone or two!

I think the idea is the customer will get so pissed off they will buy the stuff, just to get it out of the way. Snorts of laughter in my living room. You have to be right. I cannot think of another reason they do that. Their stores are only the size of a small city; not like they're cramped for space.

I'd complain about WalMart more if I weren't guiltily aware that
a) no one in my neighbourhood but me shops there because of its rapacious corporate practices. (Or something.)
b) I do shop at Walmart because we have 8 kids between the two of us, and we like little luxuries like... oh, affordable shoes for that many feet.

So, you see, I can't
a) admit I know anything about the inside of a WalMart, because then I would be admitting to supporting the commercial rape of Canada. (Or something.)
b) bite the hand that feeds me. Or, at least, that makes it possible for me to shoe my children.

It's a dilemma, so thanks for saying it for me!

Dreama said...

The reality is with that Wal-mart, is that they don't have enough employees to stock the shelves and keep the crap out of the way. I recall going in on Saturday looking for something and the guy I nabbed said he was the only floor employee that showed up that day. The same thing happens at Superstore.

Here I am in isolation...not missing the commercialism of the holiday seasons...

carmilevy said...

They'll sell hooker shoes, but they'll keep cerain CDs off the shelves because they don't meet the head office's puritanical sense of "values".

Two-faced? You betcha. WM represents all that is wrong with our consumer-driven society today.