So, I didn't have a yard sale. Long story short....I'm lazy and don't have enough crap to make it worthwhile.
Good thing I cancelled it, though, because it was a busy, busy time. On Friday, my little girl broke her ankle. She was running to meet Hubby and I when we picked her up from daycare, and twisted her ankle. So we thought. We took her home, and by 6 pm her little ankle was swollen and she still couldn't put any weight on it. I took her up to out-patients, thinking she had sprained it and perhaps getting it wrapped would help. After spending two hours in a tiny room, we were told it looked suspiciously like a fracture, and to bring her in the next day for x-rays. Hubby took her at 10 the next morning, and they spent HOURS there. They didn't come home until 3:30 in the afternoon. The doctor isn't sure that it is broken, but they thought it would be wise to put a cast on her just in case. So her little tiny leg is wrapped in a cast! It goes from her toes to under her knee. What a brave little thing she is! This morning she says it doesn't hurt, which is good. It was a long night. The itching kept her awake, and just general uncomfortable mutterings from her went on most of the night.
We cannot find crutches small enough for her (She's a tiny almost-five year old) but she has figured out how to crawl around the house this morning. Her favourite outside activity, the sandbox, is off limits, as is her brand-new bike.
The day care lady is going to be.....thrilled.....when she finds out she has to carry Girl Terror outside, and can't go for a walk unless she pulls her in a wagon!!
oh! so sorry to hear about the fracture! My little nephew broke his leg last May on the trampoline and he was just 4 years old. He learned how to drag himself around, refusing to use the crutches, as it was just too hard to coordinate with a tiny body.
He enjoyed being pulled in the wagon though. Hope she is a fast healer!
I hate it when the innocent are injured. Just hate it.
On the plus side, when that cast finally comes off, she won't recoil in horror at the sight of a hirsute leg.
I hope she gets well soon and wish her a luminous career in theatre.
Hi AM--so sorry to hear about her ankle! I have never had to deal with a broken bone with a child (and hope I don't have to), it sounds so uncomfortable.
TLC for all!
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