Things the Terrors have said, which lead me to believe they might not be normal:
-"It's my turn to dust! Give me that cloth!"
-"What do you mean, we have no more carrots? I need more!"
-"I can't wait to be big enough to wash dishes."
-"Does this have lots of sugar in it? Cause we shouldn't eat it if it has lots of sugar, you know."
-"I think I need more sleeping time, Mummy."
-"The dentist was so much fun! When can we go again?"
Weird, but isn't your heart glowing with pride?
My son always used to love the dentist. It was the little presents she gave out, of course, but none of the other kids ever thought a plastic hand that stuck to the wall was adequate compensation for having a drill stuck in your mouth...
Wait 'til they're teens. Then it'll be "But Mom! I was gonna mow the lawn!"
The dentist? Fun???? Better whap those kids upside the head.
I remember WAYYY back when my daughter liked to "help" out. She wanted to dust and remembered seeing her grandmother put something on the wood to make it shine. Turns out she thought it was vaseline and greased up the entire living room...
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