Not June Cleaver, not Peggy Bundy. Just an average mom like everybody else.
I hear you.My old cat was almost 17 when he died. I grieved as if for a human being. I have three kittens now and I like them very much, but I really loved Charley Gordon.
so sorry to hear about losing your kitty. I lost one in the spring, after nearly 10 years. I just got a kitten two days ago, and it's been so much fun with Henry VIII so far. I still miss Via, but Henry is a joy.
My sympathies on your loss.
Oh, I'm sorry. She's a very elegant looking cat.
Isn't she pretty! Was she Siamese, or part Siamese? She has that look.Our elegant cat died a few weeks ago, at the ripe old age of 15. We miss him.
I'm sorry. Thinking of you.
Condolences for you, sympathy for the cat.
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I hear you.
My old cat was almost 17 when he died. I grieved as if for a human being.
I have three kittens now and I like them very much, but I really loved Charley Gordon.
so sorry to hear about losing your kitty. I lost one in the spring, after nearly 10 years. I just got a kitten two days ago, and it's been so much fun with Henry VIII so far. I still miss Via, but Henry is a joy.
My sympathies on your loss.
Oh, I'm sorry. She's a very elegant looking cat.
Isn't she pretty! Was she Siamese, or part Siamese? She has that look.
Our elegant cat died a few weeks ago, at the ripe old age of 15. We miss him.
I'm sorry. Thinking of you.
Condolences for you, sympathy for the cat.
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