Sunday, December 28, 2008

Home for Christmas.

Whew! It's been a tad bit busy around here, but it's all good. How was your Christmas?

Girl Terror watched "The Sound of Music" with me for the last two evenings. BTW, if you happen to see her, the movie ended just after the wedding, okay? No need to tell her she was sent to bed earlier than the Von Trapps. She loved the movie. Maybe a bit too much. I looked over to see why she was being so quiet during the scene where Maria is being told to "Climb Every Mountain", and there were tiny tears on her face. She crawled into my lap and explained that she was sad because Maria was so sad, and the children too, and it was just terrible that they weren't together! I assured her that happiness was on the way.
Speaking of music, the house has been rocking. We have a new game, SingStar, and the entire family is addicted. Boy Terror alternates between "Final Countdown" and "Uptown Girl". He only knows 2 lines of each, but he sings them with gusto and all the volume he can muster. For some reason, he also spent a great deal of yesterday bellowing "Jingle Bells" over and over.
At some point this week I will have to go to work, and think, and figure out what the hell to do for the rest of the semester. But for now, I am drinking hot drinks (thanks to my new Tassimo!!! Woo hooo!!!!) and sitting around laughing at my Terrors. I hope you are all having a great time as well.

1 comment:

koreen (aka: winn) said...

Your kids sound so cute. Would love to meet them sometime. Yes, I'm loving my little one this Christmas. It's better every year, don't you think? And every year I keep wondering how next year can possibly top this year! Cheers! And Happy New Year!